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101 FREE Ways To Increase Your Blog Traffic

Posted by awiopian at Friday, May 2, 2008
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Written by George Manty · May 17, 2007

I am a bit behind where I would like to be with my blog traffic series. So I decided to write this post listing 101 ways to get traffic to your blog. Then I will take some (not all) of these points and talk about them in detail in my series on getting blog traffic.

Here goes, 101 ways to get traffic to your blog:

1. Join MyBlogLog, add friends, and join communities.
2. Sign up for Technorati and ping it when your blog content changes.
3. Use a ping service like pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators.
4. Submit your blog to all of the directories on Robin Good’s list of RSS directories.
5. Use trackbacks.
6. Leave comments on blogs in related niches.
7. Tell your friends about your blog and specific posts.
8. Put your blog URL in your forum signatures.
9. Create link bait.
10. Tell Your newsletter subscribers about your blog.
11. Write press releases for your blog.
12. Link liberally to other blogs in your posts (many bloggers check who links to them).
13. Tag your posts using Technorati tags or a tag plug-in.
14. Submit your posts to multiple social bookmarking sites using OnlyWire.
15. Use Stumbleupon to stumble your posts.
16. Answer questions on Yahoo answers with the answers on your blog.
17. Answer questions on forums related to your niche with a link to one of your blog posts that answers the question.
18. Set up a feed on MyYahoo so that Yahoo keeps better track of your blog.
19. Make lists (My Top 5…, Ten Things…, etc.). Many of the most popular blog posts are lists like this one.
20. Use pictures. Most of the top trafficed blogs use pictures in their posts.
21. Use video on your blog.
22. Find out what people want to learn about in your blog’s niche and write about it.
23. Be the first to break a news story.
24. Use keyword research to find good keywords to use in your posts.
25. Write controversial posts.
26. Strongly Agree or strongly disagree with other bloggers and write about it with a link to their post.
27. Make it easy for your readers to sign up for your RSS feed.
28. Make it easy for your readers to Digg your posts.
29. Ask your readers to submit your posts to social bookmarking sites (Digg, Reddit, etc.).
30. Interview well known people in your industry (it’s working well for me).
31. Give credit to the blogs that inspire your posts.
32. Don’t be boring.
33. Write for beginners.
34. Participate in group writing projects.
35. Participate in blog memes.
36. Create a blog meme and tag your friends.
37. Participate in blog carnivals.
38. Post at different times of the day.
39. Submit your best posts to article directories.
40. Write Killer Content .
41. Start a group blog. These tend to get more traffic, because more people are creating conent and more people are promoting it.
42. Have guest posters.
43. Create a blog meme and tag an A-list blogger who you like.
44. Submit your blog to regular web directories (like DMOZ, etc.).
45. Join SpicyPage and promote your blog on it.
46. Join a blog webring.
47. Sign up for BlogWoods and promote your blog on it.
48. Join LinkAndBlog and do link and blog challenges.
49. Submit your best posts to Netscape.
50. Exchange Ads (not blogroll links) with complementary blogs.
51. Trade blog roll links with related blogs.
52. Sign up for Rojo. Subscribe to your feed and click “add mojo” on your better articles.
53. Add a plug-in to notify users of new comments (I REALLY need to do this).
54. Make it easy for your visitors to submit your post to ALL social bookmarking sites (not just Digg).
55. Add a tell-a-friend script or plug-in to your posts.
56. Make it easy for your visitors to bookmark your page in their browser.
57. Make it easy for people to link to your blog.
58. Use easy to read fonts.
59. Use a professional looking blog design.
60. Make your blog easy to navigate.
61. Highlight your most popular posts.
62. Write posts that ask provocative questions.
63. Use questions for the title of your blog posts (you knew that was coming).
64. Use good keywords in your post titles.
65. Reply to every question you get through email.
66. Reply to every question you get on your blog.
67. E-mail other bloggers about your really good post(s) (breaking news posts).
68. Offer free stuff related to your niche (tools, ebooks, etc).
69. Run a contest.
70. Publish videos on YouTube with the URL for your site at the beginning and end of the video.
71. Install a translation plug-in or use a translation service to translate your blog into foreign languages.
72. Put Your URL on everything that goes out of your house (business cards, stationary, mailing labels, etc.).
73. Go through’s list of web 2.0 sites and promote your blog on all web 2.0 sites that apply.
74. Search for Wikis related to your niche to submit your blog to. For example, for this blog the search phrase would be “make money online wiki” or “internet marketing wiki”.
75. Give regular polls (use a poll plug-in like democracy for this).
76. Add trivia quiz pages.
77. Add ecard pages.
78. Add a forum for your visitors to discuss more on your niche.
79. Add a wiki to your blog .
80. Join Hubpages and post links to your blog from articles you write.
81. Join Blink List and make a list of blogs with your blog in it.
82. Join 43 Things and write a list of 43 things you want to achieve (include your blog url in the list).
83. Join Blogger Party (and/or other free blog systems). Then write posts that link back to your blog.
84. Make a Squidoo lens (or more than one) with a link to your blog.
85. Provide Wikipedia articles with links to your blog where it makes sense.
86. Tell people you will link back to them if they review your blog (like John Chow).
87. Join Blog Catalog (kind of like MyBlogLog).
88. Create a MySpace Page. Put your blog on it, and get some friends.
89. Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
90. Use good grammar. People will be happy with your writing.
91. Submit your blog to directories in your niche.
92. Email or Instant message your friends to Digg, stumbelupon, etc. your post.
93. Link to your blog from other websites and blogs you own.
94. Write a post about the top x bloggers in your niche or state or country, etc. Then tell them about, so they will want to link back to you.
95. Promote your posts on related newsgroups.
96. Post frequently.
97. Submit your site to free website review sites like coolsiteoftheday.
98. Search for .edu sites with link pages, forums, directories, and wikis to submit your link to.
99. Give out blogging awards and tell the bloggers you are giving the awards to about it.
100. Pray. (That’s just always good advice)...
101. Make a 101 list.

102. Think outside the box.

Why Don't People Read Your Blog?

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by Yaro Starak - The Blog Traffic King

Why does it seem that some bloggers have all the traffic and others are lucky if they have about 10 visitors per day? You may write regular content for your blog but because no one reads it you feel like you are wasting your time.

All blogs are not created equal. Guy Kawasaki started blogging and a few weeks after launching
he had over 4000 daily readers.

Guy is a famous author and business speaker so he had the benefit of lots of other bloggers and
media spreading the word for him. Chances are you don't have this advantage. I didn't, I had to earn my traffic the hard way.

Blogging is like starting your own print fanzine. First you put the hard work in, gather a
collection of articles, images and other content and launch your new publication. Once the first
issue is ready it's time to get out there and show it to everyone.

You won't have a marketing budget or the benefits of a public relations officer drumming up free
publicity for you. You have to do all this for yourself. You wear all the hats for your blog -
author, publisher, marketer and public relations.

This is where a lot of bloggers fail. Often they produce good content but they don't know how to
market their blog. They don't know where the best places are to drum up traffic and use "shotgun" tactics - haphazardly shooting for traffic all over the place using as many random methods as possible with no thought into exactly what is the smart way to get traffic. No methodology. No process.


The first step in blog traffic building is accepting the fact that you will have to work for
your traffic. No one is going to do it for you. No one is going to help you. Your blog is your baby
and you are a single parent, solely responsible for it's growth.

Are you okay with that? Do you accept the burdens?

Yes? Good! Okay, let's move forward.

Blog traffic building begins, just like a magazine, by creating something worth reading. You
would never go out and hand out copies of your fanzine if it had only one or two articles in it.

Before we even talk about finding readers for your blog you have to ask whether the readers you are chasing will read your blog once they get there.

Is your blog AMAZING? Do you have great content?
Do you even know what great content is?

Take a good look at your blog and review whether your starting content is worthy enough to capture and retain the attention of readers.

If you just switched the "on" button for your blog then there is only one thing you need to worry
about. Forget about traffic. Sit down, get your writers hat on and start writing articles.

If you haven't done so already, cover at least these topics before properly launching your blog -

1. Your About Page

Who are you? What you are blogging about and what would a reader of your blog benefit from?

2. Your Contacts Page

Be certain to make it very easy to get in touch with you and if possible include a nice smiley picture of your face. Include a very clear 'contact me' link on your blog or list your email
address on your front page and offer more extended content details in a specific sub-page.

Other possible contact details include phone numbers, mailing addresses, Skype, MSN Messenger, AOL, your Linked-In or MySpace account - anything you feel comfortable making available to the public.

3. Pillar Articles

I'll introduce you to the concept of pillar articles soon, but for the moment you need to
start working on some nice fat juicy meaty...okay, you get the picture....solid articles. Something
substantial. Something worth reading that teaches your audience about the subjects relevant to your blog topic. Not just news reposts from other websites. This is original content from your

How To Build Blog Traffic

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A sample lesson from BlogMasterMind

By far the number one complaint bloggers have, and this effects bloggers at all levels, is not having enough traffic. Whether you are just starting out or well established, we all want more traffic, and rightly so, since traffic is the single biggest determinant of profitability - there is no money without traffic.

I'm going to cut to the chase, there are only four ways you can get traffic to your blog -

1. You can buy it
2. You can get it from search engines
3. You can take other people's traffic
4. You can do or create something that generates attention and word of mouth

We will cover all four methods through the upcoming lessons. Note that you don't have to use every single method, in fact many people focus on becoming proficient at one method only. Obviously the more you diversify, the less dependence you have on any one source, which is important because no technique remains effective forever and the environment constantly changes.

I make use of the last method the most, but I have experience with all of them.

Some blogs focus on search engines and work constantly on search engine optimization (SEO), researching keywords, building links and chasing long tail traffic.

Other blogs use paid advertising to establish an initial following by purchasing paid reviews, pay per click ads and banners on websites and blogs.

Then there are bloggers who use techniques to "borrow" traffic from other sources, perhaps through joint ventures, or guest blogging or even simple methods like we will review in this lesson and the next - leaving comments and posting in forums.

The most common way bloggers use to build traffic, which unfortunately is usually the slowest unless you have existing leverage points in place, is to focus on building content. Great content can be enough to sustain a blog, but it's rarely enough to get it going in the first place. It's usually necessary to combine this method with one or several of the other traffic techniques, at least initially.

What Method Is Best?

It's up to you how you choose to build traffic and your current circumstances and abilities dictate what methods you use. No one method is better than another in a strict sense, but certain techniques you will find easier and suit your style, thus reward you better, so I suggest you gravitate to methods you find comfortable and rewarding.

Remember back to your initial training in the Blog Profits Blueprint - our goal here is to tap into the large rivers of traffic and if you lack resources other than your own time and energy, you will need to work your way up to the large traffic sources by focusing on building smaller sources first - the streams.

Whenever possible I will suggest the best way to leverage each technique so you get the biggest bang for your buck, but as I explained in the Blueprint, in most situations, the more you put it in, the more you get out.

If you have money to spend or resources you can leverage like virtual staff, outsourcers or employees, then you can grow your traffic quickly. As always, I recommend you look for ways to have other people do things for you or at least plan for the day when you can set aside tasks for other people (we will cover systemizing your blog business in later lessons).
Become A Conversationalist

Every source of traffic comes from opening a communication channel, thus your goal at all times when marketing your blog is to communicate with people and foster relationships. By blogging and marketing your blog, you are opening conversations with an ever expanding sphere of influence.

Once your influence reaches thousands of people you create the potential to earn thousands of dollars. Reach tens of thousands of people and you can make tens of thousands of dollars, and so on.

What can be misleading is thinking it's purely about the volume of people you can reach. In reality it's about the relationship you develop with people that counts, and in the end, leads to a greater volume of traffic anyway.

When you open a dialog with a person they immediately begin an evaluation process. If the way you converse with them is positive, if you contribute to their life in a meaningful and valuable way, they will naturally desire to continue to know you. If you do a great job, not only will they want to stay in touch with you, they will also share you with other people, thus triggering the best marketing tool available - word of mouth.

If you communicate half-heartedly, if you rush, are unoriginal, pushy, try to get people to do something before building trust, or you lack personality or a differentiation point, chances are people who come into contact with will not wish to stay in touch and certainly will not tell others about you. That's why writing one brilliant comment to a blog will always do more for your traffic than leaving ten useless one line comments.

Your goal is to make each person who experiences communication with you walk away wanting to do it again. This applies to every single communication channel - from email, to comments you make on other blogs or replies to comments made on your blog, to the way you approach other bloggers, how you write your blog posts, how you write advertisements, the way you write newsletters, your forum posts, how you interact at social community sites - every single way you contact other people. Simply put - if they like you and you provide value, traffic will come.

Don't underestimate what you are learning here - this is THE key for tapping large communication channels.

While you might initially focus on smaller communication channels, how you perform early tasks impacts when or even if, you ever tap the larger traffic sources. Remember, relationships lead to relationships and if you impress people with every point of contact you have with them, eventually you will find the people who can be points of leverage, who can give you access to huge sources of traffic (A-list bloggers, people who have huge email lists, owners of large content sites, journalists, business owners, etc).

How To Effectively Market With Blog Comments

One of the best ways I can illustrate the power of how you communicate with people is the stock standard traffic tip of leaving comments on other blogs. You've been told to do this hundreds of times, yet most people never really build much traffic from comment marketing, and there is a very good reason why.

The secret to effective comment marketing is to realize why you do it. Most people think you leave comments on other blogs because people will click the link to your blog that accompanies each comment you make. If you leave enough comments you are bound to build traffic coming from all these little links, so you go out and attempt to leave as many comments as you can.

This simply doesn't work. It doesn't work because everybody who uses this strategy focuses on volume and thus leaves low-quality comments. I know this for a fact because 90% of the real comments I get (as in not automated spam) are one or two liners that add absolutely nothing to the conversation. I see this trend on every blog I visit. It's clear that most people who leave comments just want exposure and focus only on what is in it for them - a link and maybe a trickle of traffic.

Worse still, this problem is exacerbated because every blogger writing about blog traffic tells people to leave comments without explaining how to do it the right way. The end result is thousands of bloggers leaving useless comments, filling blogs up with comments almost as bad as spam, and wondering why they still don't get any traffic to their blogs for their efforts.

The fact is, leaving blog comments will never ever be a large source of traffic, however the reason why you do it is because it can lead you to larger communication channels. This happens not because you leave waves and waves two-line comments, it happens because you focus on each of the comments you make, ensuring they have a real impact on people, and in particular, on the blogger who's blog you are leaving the comment at.

The Two Step Process For Successful Comment Marketing

If you want to truly leverage blog commenting as a traffic strategy you only need to do two things -

1. Focus on a handful of reasonably popular blogs, in complimentary niches to your own blog, and concentrate your commenting efforts there.

2. When these bloggers write articles that you can respond to, offer something of real value, perhaps a story, or a counter-point, or an additional point or a direction to relevant resources. Leave a comment that makes an impact. Repeat this process on the handful of blogs you are focusing on until you build a profile, and most importantly, you have the attention of the blogger. This is the first step to develop a relationship with them.

This process is the powerful way of building traffic with blog comments. Most bloggers read every comment they get to their blogs and for the really popular blogs this is one of the only times you get to make an impression. Why waste that opportunity by writing run-of-the-mill, just like everybody else comments?

Popular bloggers lead very busy lives and each comment you leave to their blog is a very small window of attention you have from them. Take this opportunity to contact other bloggers and make a powerful, positive impression, and do it over and over again with each comment you make.

With an initial good first impression made, when it comes time to contact that blogger they will know you already - you will be that guy or girl who leaves them great comments. This obviously makes the approach that much easier and likely that you will get the outcome you are seeking - some form of exposure to their readers.

In the best of cases just leaving great comments can result in the blogger taking notice of your blog and linking to you without you even asking for it. If they see five great comments coming from you, they might just click that link in your comments, visit your blog, find a great article or start reading your blog on a regular basis, and eventually link to you. This only happens when you get their attention with the quality of your contribution to their blog.

As a worst case scenario, you may still need to contact the blogger to enjoy the fruits of your commenting labor, perhaps asking to submit a guest article, or for them to check out one of your blog posts. It's much more likely that this blogger will be open to your communication and actually respond if they know you from your comments to their blog. You will also evoke the law of reciprocity - the blogger will feel they owe you something because you have contributed so much time and value to their blog.

Best of all, this method of commenting actually takes less effort for better rewards than the traditional low-quality, high-volume method. If you spend just 20 minutes each night leaving three great comments to one blog, and you understand why you do it (to get the attention and open a relationship with the other blogger), you will get better results than spending an hour writing 25 one and two line comments to ten different blogs.

As an added benefit of this technique, other people who read your comments will come to respect your contribution - you will add value to the conversation, which in turn makes it much more likely that they will actually click the link and visit your blog.

Remember your goal at all times is to rise above the crowd and be remarkable in the way you converse, and if each comment you make is clearly superior to all the other comments left on a blog post, guess which comment is likely to get the majority of any clicks. This should make complete sense to you.

The Leverage Is In The Relationship With The Blogger

Depending on your current status and reputation in the marketplace (for example if you have a proven, demonstrable track record), you may be able to bypass commenting altogether to form a relationship with other bloggers by contacting them directly. This can work if the blogger already knows you by reputation, or you can introduce yourself and offer proof of your value (perhaps show them your book, or your successful blog, or whatever other credibility tool you have).

For most of you reading this, there isn't a good reason why a popular blogger should pay attention to you until you do something to warrant them giving you attention. Leaving powerful comments is one way to do this and is the only effective method of comment marketing that can lead to serious traffic.

If you decide comment marketing is one of the techniques you will use to market your blog, make sure you are clear with your purpose and you follow the two step process I introduced to you in this lesson. It's not rocket-science, but if you focus on making an impact with how you communicate with your commenting - and in every marketing technique we will cover in this program - you will get exponential results over time.

Lesson 11 Action Activities

Here are your tasks:

1. Let's start with your mandatory content requirement since this must come BEFORE marketing. Publish 2-3 pillar content pieces to your blog before next lesson and if you can, slot in a few smaller news posts so you can get your blog updated with daily content.

2. Make use of the two-step effective comment marketing process I introduced to you in this lesson. Isolate about 2-5 blogs as your targets and start up a habit of adding valuable comments to them. If you can leave a solid comment every day to just three blogs, which shouldn't take longer than twenty minutes, you will have success with this process.

3. If you know a really popular blog or person and they have access to the type of audience that would love your blog, consider who you would need to get to know in order to get in touch with them. Sometimes it's necessary to make use of a connector - a person who knows and is trusted by the person you want to know - since a direct approach won't always work. Find the connectors and build relationships with them and you are only one step away from the person who can deliver huge amounts of targeted traffic to you.

4. I recommend you avoid targeting the really large blogs, because even if you write brilliant comments, chances are you won't ever get through to the person who makes decisions and publishes content. The best targets are the "one-man-(or woman)-show" type blogs were the person who makes all the decisions is the blog owner. They do all the work and hence you just need to get to know them.

If you can get in touch with a top blogger who commands an audience of 20,000+ readers alone, just one article focused on and linking to your blog, can add hundreds of new readers for you. Finding this type of blog might take time depending how popular your niche is, so spend some time this week surfing blogrolls (such BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog) and to find the type of blog that could potentially deliver a big break for you. Remember sometimes you have to think outside your niche and consider complimentary industries to find the large blogs.

5. If you have no luck finding massive blogs, that's okay, you can always work your peers. The traffic windfall won't be as large, but sometimes knowing five people who are all working hard growing their blogs can lead to big traffic for everyone as you rise together.

Find bloggers who share a lot in common with you and your blog - similar audience and subject matter - and work to build a "mastermind" group with them. Collaborate together to create combined resources (perhaps string together a couple of pillar series, one from each blog, to create a PDF report that you can all distribute).

Things happen quicker when multiple people are working towards the same goals and relationships can come from simply taking a little extra time when you leave comments. This method will require that you (or someone else in your group) takes initiative and organizes people, because generally without some form of leadership, nothing gets done. The goal is to work together to create resources that will increase traffic to all the blogs involved.

Here's an additional task you can do if you have already completed the above tasks.

* I have only one additional task for you this lesson, but it's a very important one. Many of the techniques coming up require you have a pool of content to use outside of your blog. If you can, start compiling short-and-sweet pillar articles (the list format works best, around 400-700 words) and have them ready to go for use in other marketing techniques. Do not post these to your blog - they have to be original content not published elsewhere online.

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Increase blog traffic with April Fool trick

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April Fool day is approaching. Though not a cultural festival, April Fool has been known world wide as a day to fool others or get fooled.

Anyway, it has been a traditional practice by most pranksters to create a scene or alarming news only to fool others. Even the media such as the newspaper publishing company do that. Those people who get others to be fool do it for fun and thrill. At times, it can be excited to note how people react to your news only to be inform later that it was fake.

In promoting your blog or website, the same concept can also be applied. The idea is to create some post that is surreal but in reality is a fake. Once your post hit the blogsphere, see your site statistics go wild. Of course submitting your post URL to blog aggregator such as or can also help speed up the promotion of your blog.

You have 3 days to come up with the April Fool tricks and post it on your blog to increase the traffic. Just ensure that your April Fool post is appropriate.

Why Page Rank is important in building traffic to your blog

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Google PageRank is important in building traffic to your website for a number of reasons. Before we discuss why, here is quick heads up on how it works.

Page Rank is based on links between your site and other sites, in fact specifically between web pages, since it is links between individual pages rather than complete websites that interests Google. That is because Google lists individual pages and not domains. There is a formula that Google uses to determine the value of each link to your site, which is based on the PageRank of the web page providing the link and also the number of other links leaving that page.

You can see the page Rank in the Google PageRank bar on the Google Toolbar - it is the green bar that shows a numerical value of 0 to 10 when you hover your cursor over it. This value is logarithmic, which means that if it takes 10 links to reach PR 1, then it takes a lot more to reach 2. If Google uses a logarithmic factor of 8, as it might do (nobody knows), then it will take 8 links to your site to get to PR 1, 64 to reach PR 2, 512 to PR 3 and so on. This is very basic, since, as I have stated, it also depends on the PR of the page providing the link and the number of other links leaving that page.

Here are the top 4 reasons that in my opinion help most to generate traffic and make you money:

1. The higher your Google PageRank, then the higher Google is likely to list you in the search engine results pages. Google take the view than the more other websites link to yours, then the more relevant your web page must be to the topic in hand, otherwise they wouldn't link to you. In fact, the links are to specific pages in your site, not to the site as a whole, which is why it is called 'Page Rank' and not Site Rank.

2. The higher the Page Rank, then the more relevant other people will consider any particular page on your website to be. They will feel more confident that if they visit your site they will have their questions answered and find the information they are looking for.

3. A high Page Rank shows that you have a high number of links on the pages of other websites. There is then the possibility of others clicking on these links to get to your website.

4. The higher your Page Rank, then the more people will want you to link to their website. That means that they too will be likely to visit your site. They will also offer you a reciprocal link if you want one, and that too will provide you with more exposure online.

There are some factors you should keep in mind that could affect your Page Rank. The way your domain name is presented is very important. Take at look at these domains:,,,

They are all different URLs that will lead somebody using them to your domain. However, search engine spiders see them all as different URLs, and if you use different ways to write your home page URL, then they will all be listed separately, and all be given a different Page Rank. Thus, the page rank for any one of them will be weaker than your page would have been if you had used only the one way to express it. Get into the habit of expressing your domain in only one way.

There are other ways in which poor use of your website URLs and also injudicious linking policies, can harm your Page Rank, but the main point that should keep in mind is that the your page rank applies to each page individually, and you get a share of the Google PageRank of the page that provides you with the link. If that page has a PR of zero, then you get nothing.

In giving my reasons for page rank being important in building traffic, I should stress that it is not one of my more important ways. However, Google takes notice of your PageRank, otherwise why would it bother giving you a Page Rank in the first place. For that reason alone it is well worth building up as many links back to your webpages as possible, not just for the traffic, but also to keep your website in the public eye.

It is the Home Page that is highest listed on most search engines, and also the page is given the highest PageRank, so if you can persuade others to link to your home page in return for a link from a page internal to your site, then that would be a good deal, and is what you should be trying for.

Don't ask me though, because I would a link back from your highest Page Ranked page!

About the Author: Page Rank is an important property of your website, and for more information on internal and external linking strategy check out Pete's website Improved Search Engine Rank where you will find many other SEO tips.

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