Blue Shade Glasses to Lose Weight
Posted by
awiopian at Monday, April 28, 2008
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Hey, don’t go to the kitchen! Stop! Don’t open the fridge, no-nooo! Please, stop it. No, please, not the cake and not the coke. At least not now – it’s 10 p.m. already. Hey, put it back right now! Close it! What about your figure? Don’t open your mouth! Don’t eat it!
Sometimes you just can’t resist eating a cake, chips or some fried pork before sleep. And you are sure to drink something absolutely unhealthy with it. It happens, because you see the food and it looks very appetizing. You may try lots of dieting plans, weight loss pills, read special books to the topic, but there will be a day, when you finally fail and start to eat what you want and when you want. To rid you of this problem, Japanese scientists have developed Blue Shade Glasses, which make food less attractive. This gadget is a pair of glasses with blue lenses, which “colors” the food blue. Blue is the color which decreases appetite. Food appearing in blue colors looks weird and absolutely not so irresistible.
Compare these two pictures of the same appetizing dish.
This is an example of how food changes due to the blue shade glasses. It differs a lot, right?
It’s a well-known fact, that nutritionists recommend to eat from blue plates to lose weight, but as you can’t take blue dishes with you everywhere, there have been developed weight loss blue shade glasses. I haven’t tried the glasses myself, but I would like to know, how they work in practice. The weight loss shade glasses can be now bought only in Japan for $20. Looking forward to them in other countries.