Dealing with pregnancy
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awiopian at Sunday, October 12, 2008
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How to Prevent the Complications in Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, a problem may occur or a condition may develop to make the pregnancy high risk. Many women experience pregnancy problems at some stage in their pregnancy and medical problems can sometimes spoil a very happy time.One of the possible complications in pregnancy for example is the fact that sometimes pregnant women can be exposed to something that could produce birth defects (teratogens), like radiation, certain chemicals, drugs, or infections in the body. There is always a (slim) chance for disorders to develop. Complications can arise at any point in time during the pregnancy, or after the birth of a child.
What is Ectopic Pregnancy?
One of the problems in pregnancy that could be experienced is a so-called ectopic pregnancy. This is caused by the fact that a fertilized egg has planted itself in a place in the female body outside the uterus. Most of the time the egg will settle itself in the fallopian tube and that is why ectopic pregnancies are also referred to as tubal pregnancies. There is no space or nurturing tissue for a pregnancy to develop if this happens. As the fetus grows, it will eventually damage and burst the organ that contains it. If this happens severe bleeding can occur and can endanger the mother's life. A classical ectopic pregnancy cannot develop into a live birth.Possible Complications in Pregnancy
During a pregnancy women can develop disorders that are not necessarily related to pregnancies. Some of these conditions increase the risk of problems for pregnant women or for the foetus. These conditions include disorders that cause a fever, infections, or disorders that require abdominal surgery. Other possible problems during pregnancy are:Gestational Diabetes
About 1 to 3% of all pregnant women have a chance of developing diabetes during their pregnancy. This type of pregnancy diabetes disorder is called gestational diabetes. If this remains unrecognized and untreated, it can increase the risk of health problems during pregnancy and the foetus is at risk of dying. This type of diabetes is more common among obese women and among women of certain ethnic groups, particularly Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and women of Mexican, Indian, and Asian descent. This type of diabetes can possibly cause thyroid problems and pregnancy risks.Some doctors run routine screenings of all pregnant women for pregnancy diabetes. Other doctors test only those women who have risk factors for, like obesity and certain ethnic backgrounds. Blood tests are used to measure blood sugar levels.
Often pregnant women develop anaemia because they have an iron deficiency. The body needs double the amount of iron during pregnancy because iron is needed to make red blood cells in the foetus. Anaemia can develop because of a lack of folic acid. Usually this is prevented or treated by taking iron and folic acid supplements during pregnancy.Placental Complications
There are some of the following placental complications as follows:Placental Abruption
Placental Abruption is the premature detachment of a placenta from the wall of the uterus. The placenta can loosen incompletely or completely. The cause for this problem is unknown. This complication is more common with women who have a high blood pressure.Continue to: Severe Complications in Pregerancy