Top Rated Online Muscle Building Course
Posted by
awiopian at Sunday, October 12, 2008
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The Purpose Of My Site: To help you make an educated and unbiased decision about the best muscle building programs available on the Internet, without all the marketing hoopla and B.S.
The Problem: You have over a few hundred bodybuilding/muscle building programs to choose from on the net. Some are free. Some have a small price. Each author bombards you with a different training “style” and you are left clueless about which one is the best!
The Solution: In the end, you must decide for yourself who you are going to trust, however the goal of this site is to show you why we feel we have discovered our number one choice for you...
...after comparing over dozens of the most popular muscle building and bodybuilding programs we have reached a verdict. After sifting out 90% of the programs and courses that were pure junk and just out for your money, we were left with a very small handful of programs and we have decided to simply show you our #1 pick below to keep your decision very easy...
Created By Vince DelMonte
If your interested in getting super buff, ripped and muscular than Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building program is our highest recommendation and number one choice.
Vince's program, in our opinion, was the most comprehensive and complete program that appealed to skinny guys and girls young and old. Although the title is “Skinny Guy Secrets...” the program is complete enough to be a solution for those seeking fat loss as well.
Vince literally reveals EVERYTHING there is to know about the muscle building process. Not one stone is left unturned. It is amazing how much information you get at such a low price which reinforced NNMB as our top pick.
The program Vince promotes is the same one he used to defeat his long distance running genes (Vince used to be an endurance athlete for 10 years) and packed on a clean, 41-pounds of lean muscle mass in half a years time.
We were extremely impressed when we discovered that Vince's transformation was featured in the international magazine, Maximum Fitness, he is a National Fitness Model champion and manages a personal training team of 15 full time trainers in his home town. It's nice to see a muscle building author living what he preaches which can't be said for many of the other programs out there...
Therefore, when a guy like this writes a course on muscle building to reveal his system and secrets then you just have to look!
The foundation of his program is his best-selling 201 page e-book No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain.
No Nonsense is broken up into these 9 chapters:
1. Top 14 Mistakes To Avoid Before You Even Begin Training
2. The Top 12 Bodybuilding Myths
3. How To Build Muscle
4. Recovery Methods – Accelerate Recovery
5. Maximizing Hormones For Maximal Muscle Building & Fat Loss
6. Massive Eating & Nutrition
7. Making Sense Of Supplementation – Use Them Wisely
8. Injury Prevention & Avoiding The Causes
9. No Nonsense Maximum Muscle Growth Program
If that is not enough, he slaps on over 10 support modules to guarantee you get started on the right track. Everything from a beginner-intermediate 29 week muscle building program, a 29-week advanced muscle building program (after you complete the first one), five 84 day healthy mass meal plans that range from 2000 to 6000 calories. A virtual exercise demonstrator to show proper technique, an entire review of all the most popular supplements, audio courses, personal one-on-one email coaching and much more.
The program can be ordered through Clickbank's secure server which ensures 100% safety with your payment information. Everything is digitally delivered, nothing is sent in the mail, so you will be able to have all of this information within less than 2 minutes of ordering.
At the end, Vince takes all the risk by offering a 8-week money back guarantee which means if you don't get the results you want, just email Clickbank, and they will give you ever single penny back. You really have NOTHING to lose or risk.
One of the most reassuring facts prior to ordering is the impressive fact that No Nonsense has a collection of Expert Reviews on his site. Vince has pretty much every world renowned fitness experts promoting his site with an endorsement after reviewing his product just like we did.
Guys like Dr. John Berardi, Dr. Jon Benson, David Grisaffi, Robert Dimaggio and Nick Nilsson all give this program “two-thumbs up” which speaks volumes because I'm sure these guys don't put their name just beside any random product!
Lastly, No Nonsense boasts literally dozens of Success Stories, with before and after pictures, of current users of the program.